Capital City


Local Time

GMT + 3


Code+ 964

Bank Time


Exchange Rate

1USD equivalent to 1,162 IQD

Embassy Address

House 16, Dodbash Road Diplomatic Area Dhaka, Bangladesh. Telephone (+88) 02 9886632 Telefax (+88) 02 9886639 Website Office Hours 09.00-16.00

Visa Requirements

Tourng Traveler Facilitates you with Iraq visa from Bangladesh.

Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
House 16, Dutabash Road,
Baridhara Diplomatic Zone,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Telephone: (+88) 02 988 6632, (+88) 02 882 4513
Fax: (+88) 02 988 6639
Office Hours 09.00-16.00


Requirement for Iraqi visa application:

Tourist visa: authorizes the bearer to enter Iraq once during the three months of granting and residence for one month.

Regular visa: entitles the holder to enter Iraq once during the three months from the date of granting and residence for a period of not more than three months after obtaining the approval of the Directorate of residence.


The following conditions must be provided: 

A valid passport for a minimum period of six months.

Fill in the application with a photograph attached to the form in the space provided for this purpose.

To be able to cover the cost of living during the period of stay in Iraq for holders of regular passports.

No objection from entering the Republic of Iraq because of a public health or security, moral or national economy cause.

No order of elimination from the Republic of Iraq for the person applying for the visa after checking the records to prevent them from entering Iraq.

The person should not be accused or convicted of a crime outside the country.

Presenting a compelling reason for the visit.